Uniserver chooses Salesforce Sales Cloud.

The Sales Cloud enables Uniserver to easily capture leads, acquire new customers, and track the sales process. Tasks such as updating or viewing customer data and recording a conversation note can be swiftly and conveniently performed from any connected device.

Salesforce Sales Cloud

Customer-centric approach

Time savings

Consistent quality

‘To become the largest in the Netherlands, your own processes must be in order’

Becoming the largest and best in the Netherlands is the dream of Uniserver in Alkmaar. This cloud provider assists IT companies in achieving better performance by providing them with the technical infrastructure for their digital services. “The Financieel Dagblad and BNR have already referred to us as the Dutch Google or Microsoft. We’re not aiming to conquer the world (yet), as those giants have already done; being the largest in the Netherlands is a good start,” says Commercial Director Emile Schouwstra.

According to Schouwstra, the fact that many people are unfamiliar with the name Uniserver is mainly because the company does not directly serve end users. “We are active in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), workspace, and multi-cloud services within the B2B market, primarily serving IT companies (MSP/ISV) of all sizes. Thanks to our cloud services, hundreds of notable IT companies in the Netherlands can deliver online services to their customers. You can think of Uniserver as an engine supplier. IT companies use our engine as a base to build their car. However, the type of vehicle is different for each partner. At the wheel is a satisfied customer who can travel comfortably and safely from A to B. That, at least, is our ultimate goal: ensuring that businesses can continue to operate and perform. For this reason, we increasingly see ourselves as risk managers rather than just IT specialists. Altogether, this gives us a unique position in the Dutch cloud market.”

Uniserver optimizes sales and contract management systems

Uniserver is a market leader in IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) provision for Managed Service Providers. “We also aim to become the largest and best in the Independent Software Vendors market. This can only be achieved if we have our own processes in order,” Schouwstra points out, referring to the optimization of the sales process. “Our sales process was far from optimal, particularly in effectively utilizing Salesforce, our current CRM system. It’s widely known that many sales professionals view a CRM system as a necessary evil. Initially, Uniserver was no exception. It was a mandatory registration tool that consumed significant time. Thanks in part to Growteq, it has now become a true extension of our ideology and our way of working. It’s as if we’ve gained control of the steering wheel of our car.”

Time savings and consistent quality

Thanks to the integration with Salesforce, Uniserver can now quote faster, for example. “Time savings and consistent quality in our quotes are the result. I see our people now working with even more pleasure because Salesforce provides them with insights and useful data. Compliance, performance, and price are crucial if you want to be a major player. Thanks to Growteq, we can guarantee these aspects now. This partner also understands the importance of insight and smooth workflows, and the significant impact when things aren’t optimized. From the very beginning, we noticed their customer-centric approach, which resonates with ours. As if it were planned, the optimization was completed just before the first lockdown. Growteq has certainly helped us accelerate and grow in this regard.”

Growteq is now also working on optimizing the contract management system for Uniserver. “This way, we know exactly when each contract expires and can take timely and targeted action. For us, it’s clear: to grow, you need to invest in your own processes and quality. Ultimately, this investment pays off, especially with a good partner by your side.”

Process optimization and control.

The business services sector continues to perform well, with consecutive years of growth. Finding new employees remains a challenge, and customer expectations continue to rise. Often, multiple applications are still used for planning, project management, invoicing, and CRM. Additionally, payment methods are evolving, with a growing preference for subscription models featuring monthly or periodic payments. Efficient and effective workflow management can offer significant benefits to service providers, enhancing the chances of winning contracts upfront and reducing turnaround times in the invoicing process.


Uniserver is a rapidly growing provider of Infrastructure-as-a-Service hosting solutions. Through the combination of top-tier brands, cutting-edge technologies, and innovations, Uniserver ranks among the most highly regarded and advanced cloud providers in the Netherlands.