
Wittebrug chooses Business Intelligence.

A data warehouse (DWH) retrieves data from various systems and stores it in a secure, queryable database. This serves as the primary source for Wittebrug to gain insights through interactive dashboards and reports.

Modern Data Warehouse

Improved productivity

Transparent progress tracking

Fast reporting

‘Never again printing and analyzing numbers on a free weekend’

In the brand-new showroom of Wittebrug Audi in The Hague’s Forepark, the most beautiful and newest car models shine. Of course, Gerben Remmelts is immensely delighted by such beauty in the showroom of Audi’s largest dealership in the Benelux. But to be honest, his greatest joy comes from his Classic Mini, with which he rallies across the Netherlands with his wife. “I’m a true car enthusiast and feel completely at home here,” beams the 40-year-old manager of business development. According to Gerben, work enjoyment encompasses more than just ‘being surrounded by beautiful cars.’ At Wittebrug, his professional playground is vast, especially since he can now easily manipulate the controls of nearly every work process. For this, he credits the smart data applications from Growteq.

Commercial Opportunities

Three years ago, Gerben formulated a strategic data plan to assess Riva Holding’s position. “The problem was that we lacked visibility into our numbers. Data was scattered throughout our company, stored in different systems. To gain insights, we manually generated reports in Excel. My colleague spent 2.5 hours every weekend combining everything and then an entire evening sending out reports. There had to be a more efficient way. You want to seize commercial opportunities based on reliable data at any given moment for all parts of our holding: from the dealership and leasing company to the mobility pass.”

After an unsuccessful partnership with another data provider, Gerben turned to Growteq, the IT business unit of Visser & Visser, over two years ago. “We clicked immediately. They have expertise in automotive, previously developed the remarketing platform Basolution, and demonstrated their data intelligence with a specific user case. To date, they have successfully implemented 17 user cases for us. Everything we envisioned is performing well and driving further business development.”

Data strategy

Arnoud van der Heiden, Commercial Director at Growteq, explains how after a successful introduction, a data strategy was first mapped out. “We assessed Wittebrug’s current position and together set a target for the future. Step by step, we charted the course towards it. Our engineers began by integrating three data sources into a data warehouse. Subsequently, interactive dashboards and reports were developed using Power BI.”

As a result, Wittebrug now has immediate access to crucial information such as: who is our customer, when did they purchase their vehicle, how many claims have been reported, when was the last maintenance, and when is maintenance due? Gerben adds, “All this information can guide our sales efforts. For instance, if you see that someone’s lease contract is nearing its end, instead of suggesting a Skoda during a maintenance check, you can propose a new car that you want to sell.”

Targeted actions

Gerben explains how Wittebrug utilizes targeted marketing actions and coaches salespeople based on real-time data. “The custom dashboard developed specifically for us also provides crucial management information for our executives and managers. For instance, we know how many people visited the showroom, whom they spoke with, how many purchased a car, and which salesperson closed the sale, among other details.” Additionally, all financial data is displayed, allowing the management to closely monitor the company’s performance and market changes. “Thanks to these insights, our organization is better equipped for effective management. We can improve sales performance and coach employees in areas where they can grow. This shifts us from mere monitoring to proactive actions.”


According to Gerben, the changes in the workplace “have caused some pain and effort here and there.” “People don’t like change, but by gradually working towards our vision, people are coming along. We’ve continuously involved our salespeople in the developments and asked them how they view the data-driven approach. They understand that it’s not a stick to beat with, but rather provides insights to make our work more enjoyable and effective together. A significant number of employees also express a need for coaching, ranging from extensive sessions to quick brainstorming. These new insights certainly assist us. It makes our work even more challenging in a way. After all, we all love to win. Besides better results, it also enhances employee commitment. Performing better has become a kind of sport for us.”


Gerben believes in a data-driven way of working and in the partnership with Growteq. “Our collaboration is strong and intensive. It’s also becoming more enjoyable. Together, we explore innovations and new possibilities. This naturally leads to new ideas emerging. For instance, wouldn’t it be great if the system could automatically notify us when a client changes jobs, prompting us to offer them a new lease deal?”

Arnoud smiles, “So, you’re thinking of linking client data to someone’s LinkedIn profile, allowing us to immediately propose a new lease offer when a job change is detected?” Gerben laughs, “Yes, is that possible?” Arnoud nods, calling it a prime example of ‘a winning data strategy’: “Without data, you can’t stay ahead anymore. It certainly gives you a competitive edge.” And for rally driver Gerben, that sounds like music to his ears.

Working smarter and more efficiently through digitization

The automotive industry is highly competitive. Automakers are becoming more demanding, and the pressure to work efficiently is increasing. Moreover, there are various developments such as electric vehicles and declining aftermarket sales that impact sales figures. The necessity of having reliable systems that provide quick and accurate insights is therefore indispensable.



At Wittebrug in The Hague, part of Riva Holding, they leave little to chance. They monitor results using smart data on dashboards and actively manage their employees. “In addition to improved outcomes, it also fosters greater commitment from our staff. Achieving better performance has become a competitive endeavor.”